So much happening, so many new and exciting people have come into our lives. First and foremost is our new website - http://www.fixthehurt.org/. Designed by Vickie Florschuetz, this website is beyond my expectations. Vickie has taken everything thrown at her and put it into a professional website that is easy to navigate and filled with information about our performances and our speaking events. I love all the pics she has included and the ease with which viewers can locate the things that are important to them. Thanks Vickie.
We took a few weeks off from rehearsals for Control.Assault.Delete, as Director Dave was busy with A Christmas Carol (which was fabulous). That doesn't mean that John and I weren't trying to memorize lines like crazy.
I have had some amazing opportunities to talk to remarkable women, women who have turned their lives around and gotten out of relationships
that were not healthy and leading them down a dangerous path.

As always, it's exciting to anticipate what a new year brings. 2010 is undoubtedly going to have it's share of hills and valleys, but every experience brings opportunities. I found a card that Lisa had kept in a holder on her kitchen cabinet for years - it read "The rest of your life depends on what you do at any one moment.
Looks like I will have the opportunity to speak to a group of women at Perryville Prison. Perhaps we will even have a dress rehearsal there for Control.Assault.Delete. Also, looking forward to Stop Violence Against Women day at the State Capitol.
2010 is going to be a great year.