We recently made a trip to Vernal, Utah, home of some extraordinary people. Two of which are our daughter, Lori and her husband, Brent . . . . and our grandson, Tyler. We spent a few days in their lovely home and got to know Brent's family - truly welcoming, kind and just plain "good" folks.
We had the opportunity to participate in the Vernal Domestic Violence Prevention Training Program on the 10th of October. More than 60 DV workers, advocates and law enforcement people came together for a training session on Domestic Violence Prevention. Detective Kevin Nudd from the West Valley Police Department made presentations in the morning designed to refresh the participants on the finer points of the law and methods of handling Domestic Violence issues.
We were on the program in the afternoon presenting Domestic Violence in the workplace, Lisa’s Story and the Silent Cry, a program designed to bring to light issues involving pregnant women. We were pleased by the number of participants that came to us after the program indicating how they were touched by our presentation. Many were survivors of an abusive relationship and several were former wives of police officers. On the tables were paper chains, representing the cycle of violence. Participants were encouraged to take the chains apart and write comments on the paper. We received many written comments and attach those for your reading experience:
What a great job you are doing!!!
Thank you and may God bless you and guide you throughout your quest to stop DV
Thank you for sharing Lisa’s story! May you continue your sharing. You are doing wonderful work. You are very inspiring.
I was in an abusive marriage for 14 years . . . and during that time, began losing faith. I am healing. I am finding my voice. Thank you for sharing your story. It has strengthened me in many ways. God bless you.
I have been a stay at home mom for 19 years. Six weeks ago I decided to take employment outside my home. I’ve been working as a Victim Advocate for six weeks. I know that there is a purpose for me in this field of work. Thank you for your courage and perhaps I can make a positive impact as you have.
Thank you for teaching me about victims of crime. I was a victim myself and now out of it – safe and sound. As a Native American I really didn’t know that I was in trouble until I learned about abuse. Again, thank you. May God bless you and your family and guide you in your trips.
Thank you and may God bless you and guide you throughout your quest to stop DV
Thank you for sharing Lisa’s story! May you continue your sharing. You are doing wonderful work. You are very inspiring.
I was in an abusive marriage for 14 years . . . and during that time, began losing faith. I am healing. I am finding my voice. Thank you for sharing your story. It has strengthened me in many ways. God bless you.
I have been a stay at home mom for 19 years. Six weeks ago I decided to take employment outside my home. I’ve been working as a Victim Advocate for six weeks. I know that there is a purpose for me in this field of work. Thank you for your courage and perhaps I can make a positive impact as you have.
Thank you for teaching me about victims of crime. I was a victim myself and now out of it – safe and sound. As a Native American I really didn’t know that I was in trouble until I learned about abuse. Again, thank you. May God bless you and your family and guide you in your trips.
Your story of your family and Lisa was so moving and surfaced a lot of feelings about myself and family. I too, was a victim of sexual and physical abuse. Thank you for your comforting thoughts.
Our prayers are with you as you spread your message. Thank you for sharing your story. God bless.
Thank you so much for all you are doing. As a victim of DV and as a police officer’s wife, I was so grateful to those that helped me. I also relate as it has been my faith that has helped me, as well. May the Lord continue to bless us.
Thank you so much for the training, for your message and support you bring to every person in life. Sorry for your loss. She is in a better place and she is also helping out through your experience in your life. God bless you and thank you again for making a difference in people’s lives.
Thank you so much for speaking to us today – your words are full of strength and hope. My older sister was a victim of domestic violence for 6 years. She finally admitted to us what we suspected all along. She is now out of the situation & much happier. Thank you for having the strength to speak out to so many about this. I myself do not have the courage to do it publicly. Your strength and testimonies encourage me. When we sat with my sister while she told my dad, we told him that no matter what she told him, he wasn’t to leave. He too, wanted to kill the guy. Thanks so much.
Our prayers are with you as you spread your message. Thank you for sharing your story. God bless.
Thank you so much for all you are doing. As a victim of DV and as a police officer’s wife, I was so grateful to those that helped me. I also relate as it has been my faith that has helped me, as well. May the Lord continue to bless us.
Thank you so much for the training, for your message and support you bring to every person in life. Sorry for your loss. She is in a better place and she is also helping out through your experience in your life. God bless you and thank you again for making a difference in people’s lives.
Thank you so much for speaking to us today – your words are full of strength and hope. My older sister was a victim of domestic violence for 6 years. She finally admitted to us what we suspected all along. She is now out of the situation & much happier. Thank you for having the strength to speak out to so many about this. I myself do not have the courage to do it publicly. Your strength and testimonies encourage me. When we sat with my sister while she told my dad, we told him that no matter what she told him, he wasn’t to leave. He too, wanted to kill the guy. Thanks so much.
Thank you for sharing your story! Your faith is outstanding and I appreciate your time and willingness to share. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
As the mother of two daughters and four granddaughters, I want to know what kind of interventions parents can do to “rescue” their daughters from abusive relationships. Your daughter was so strong as a child. How does their self-esteem slip so badly, so quickly. How do we restore it – how do we help them restore it? Thank you for what you are doing.
Our lives are made better because there are individuals who like these, bless our lives.
John & Linda
John & Linda
1 comment:
Christian said 35 people were murdered in Juarez this past weekend. You have just scratched the surface with your message and I admire your perseverance. We miss ya'll!
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