So many new things are happening for Fix the Hurt, it's difficult to get my arms around all of them.
There are so many people in my life helping me that I could not begin to name them all. My youngest daughter, Lindsey, has a birthday next week and she set up a donation request for FTH on FB for her friends to donate in lieu of birthday presents. How sweet is that??
Beverly Brown, my friend and trusted travel agent, at Travel Mania has helped me with travel arrangements to Wichita Falls and Japan. Honestly, it's almost easier to get to Japan than Wichita Falls, TX. I'm handling the Southwest Airlines travel arrangements just fine, but glad Beverly is there for the harder stuff.

I have met some amazing people this week. Jan Lobeck, a mother whose daughter was killed by her ex-husband in Kansas, and Sara Jane Drescher, whose daughter, Donnah, was killed by her husband. Jan has written a book, "Not In Vain" and Sara helped start a shelter in Ft. Lauderdale, FL - Women in Distress.
These mothers, like me, never wanted to belong to this exclusive club where your heart is breaking and you want to make all the madness stop. We are doing the best we can with what we have and hopefully it will change one or two lives in the process, and those one or two will pass it on.

And then, there is my partner, Vickie Florschuetz, Bravery Project founder, whom I love. We met with Jane Irvine and Dan Levey with the Office of the Attorney General. They were most receptive and gave us about an hour of their time to listen to our frustrations about lack of funding for preventive measures in this fight to reduce domestic violence in Arizona and across our nation. Vickie and I, along with our dedicated committee are working hard to bring underwriters and sponsors out of the woodwork to help us with the cost of presenting - Evening of the Arts at the Broadway Palm Dinner Theater in Mesa. One true lifesaver was John Paterson of International Minute Press in Mesa. Vickie and I met with John about printing the tickets, poster and programs for Evening of the Arts. Well, John is donating all the printing -- something we never dreamed he would do. What a great surprise! What a great person! Thank you John. Our task now is to sell, sell, sell tickets.
Keely Bamberg has been trying to focus my head on a strategic plan for Fix the Hurt. Actually, she is such an amazing person, I have even enjoyed this part of being in the non-profit world of business. She is striving to assist FTH in it's direction, plannning, and achieving of our long-term goals. All I want to do is go out there and use every resource available to me, every venue opened to me, every media opportunity I can find to teach prevention, to educate and to reduce the number of lives that are changed forever at the hands of an abuser. But, we must be organized, professional and funded. That's where Keely is there to guide and direct, so I will try to be a good steward.
John is busy every day, I mean every day, trying to keep our family fed and clothed. He works from about 5 am to 10 pm, six days a week, and sometimes 2 to 3 hours if he receives a service call on Sunday. I love and appreciate his dedication to his family and to the mission of Fix the Hurt.
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