Mid-October and already this month, "Domestic Violence, The Musical?" has entertained, enlightened, educated and raised awareness to approximately 2,500 community members, college students, airmen, military staff and law enforcement professionals.
It has been our pleasure to perform eight shows in Flagstaff, Ft. Bliss/El Paso, TX, Scottsdale, Sheppard AFB and Midwestern State University in Wichita Falls, TX.

What a delight to have both daughters, Lori and Lindsey to attend the Sojourner sponsored play. As I introduced them to the audience, I brought to their attention that there was one daughter missing, Lisa, but if she were there with us, there would be no "Domestic Violence, The Musical?" and eventhough she was not there in person, her spirit lives on. Tomorrow is Lisa's Birthday - October 19, 1972.
All audiences were fantastic. Some stand out in our minds, though. The reception we received from the performance sponsored by Sojourners Center, was wonderful. There were so many individuals there who, although supportive of the Sojourners' mission and mindful of the serious social problems of domestic violence, commented about gaining a additional knowledge about their responsibilities as community members to answer the plight of victims.
Our three-day visit to Wichita Falls, Tx and Sheppard AFB, truly stands out as one of the most rewarding of all our performances. As we stood at the front and looked out at the sea of camouflage and the faces of those brave young men and women who are dedicated to serving and protecting our country, it was difficult to hold back the tears. Three audiences of between 650 and 800 clapped, laughed, booed the abuser and cheered the victim on. There were questions and comments, people standing in line to speak one-on-one.
Working with the Family Advocacy at Sheppard and especially, Patricia Kennedy, was an example of someone who "knew how to pull off a successful event". Not only was she professional, thorough and congenial, but I will continue to value her friendship.
It truly is a small world . . . . at the Meet and Greet held for the cast/myself on Thursday night, I met a lovely young prosecutor for the Wichita County DA's office. Her name is Shelley Wilbanks. As we talked, we found we had a mutual friend - Bill(y) Hicks, who prosecuted our case in El Paso, was a school friend to Shelley. What a nice surprise!! I also met the DA, Barry Macha, who is acquainted with Jaime Esparza, the El Paso DA. Mr. Macha attended DVTM with his wife on Friday night and is now a strong supporter of our mission. 
First and foremost in my mind, though, is the importance of the information we were able to convey to those hundreds of airmen who attended - who now have a better understanding of the dynamics of DV and what they can do to help.
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