We have completed the three scheduled evaluation
performances in the Arizona Department of Corrections prisons and are
optimistic about the reception and effectiveness of the program.
We will be working with the Staff to determine their
evaluation of the program and how to try and move forward with a full blown
program for the adult population.
We are making progress in determining what the guidelines
need to be for presenting “I Have This Friend”, to the teen population in the
Juvenile the system. So far we are encouraged by the response and hope to have
this program moving forward to present this musical across the state.
We love our Board Members and their support and wanted to share Doreen Nicholas take on the presentation of Control.Assault.Delete to Lewis Prison in Buckeye, AZ last week.

"On Thursday
evening, July 11th, 2013 I had the honor of accompanying Linda and John
King to the Lewis State Correctional facility as they performed
"Control.Assault.Delete" to 80 male inmates. It was a great ride out
and back and we got to know each other better through our sharing and
conversations. Though I had seen "Control, Assault,
Delete" before, I was moved yet again. The depth of their courage and
resilience to transform a personal tragedy into a teaching and awareness
tool takes my breath away. The few but effective props made it all the
more impactful. After assisting a bit with the set-up I was in an
observer/supporter role so had time to watch the men file in and take
their seats before the performance. I looked in their faces, I watched
their body language. I noticed
curiosity in some, others were resentful as they felt they had to be
there, some were anticipating entertainment, and some did not know what
to expect. As John and Linda began the performance there was some
fidgeting and grumbling among the inmates. About 10 minutes into the
performance there was complete silence except for John and Linda. The
men and staff were leaning in, paying attention and totally engaged. The
applause was sincere and the question and answer period was hopeful.
Many expressed concern for their sons and daughters. Some asked how they
could talk to their kids about abuse, others related to the performance
as to how they grew up and what they experienced in their homes. All
were grateful for the experience as was I. When we have an opportunity
to touch people in a compassionate and respectful way, give them new
information, show them that tragedies can be survived, we plant seeds of
hope. John and Linda did that in a big
way by sharing themselves. I .am honored to be a part of Fix the Hurt. Doreen
Thank you, Doreen.