With the nail biting John always has to do it was even more stressful when the D V the musical cast had to travel from El Paso to Phoenix. Sunday evening many of the cast members finished their performance of “Shakespeare on the Rocks”, climbed into a van with the rest of the cast about 11:30 PM, Arizona time and drove 8 hours to perform Monday night at the Herberger Theater in Downtown Phoenix. You know how it is when the kids are out late with the car? Yep, that is sort of what John was feeling! He probably called them three or four times en-route to make sure the vehicle was performing well and all other sorts of things. What can I say, he worries a lot!
All of his worries paid off because they had no trouble and What a Performance! They were a big hit in Phoenix and we are planning to be back in April.
As we watch the audience and see the emotions, we continue to be gratified that we have a musical that carries the message so well. Kudos, to the writer and director, Loren Marsters, for the great job.
It is a little confusing to the audience, because the performance is so realistic, the audience starts asking the advice of the actors.
One person stood in front of the cast and said, “Where were you guys when I was getting married?”
We are looking at a really busy schedule for October. We have five performances on the board. We will be playing to Holloman AFB to an estimated 1000 to 1200 Airmen, the New Mexico District 12 with a performance in Alamogordo New Mexico. And we have a number of shows booked for April, already.
We are getting requests for the play from all over the country and will try to get the message to as many as we can reach.