We have been remiss in not keeping our commitment to post a new blog message each week. Sometimes it just seems impossible to keep up. We hope you faithful readers will forgive us.
To the side is a logo we are considering for Fix the Hurt Performing Arts Group. Vickie Florschetz has worked tirelessly to bring something to the table that we "love". I think this is it. If you have an opinion let us know.
Loren Marsters held auditions on Saturday, Nov. 8th for a Phoenix cast for Domestic Violence the Musical? We were encouraged by the talent that turned out for the audition, but still need some help with a couple of spots. Anyone out there know a good keyboard player that is good at improv? Let us know if you do. We also need a couple of male actors to take important parts. If you know of someone that would fit these spots let us know right away as we hope to start rehearsals shortly;
The auditions were made more enjoyable by the occasioned visit of two of our original El Paso cast that came to give Loren assistance and moral support. Ginny Green Warren came to help with choreography and Alexander St. Clair came to help by inspiring those trying out. Thanks Ginny and Alex for caring enough to make the trip. After the auditions we got to visit with them as we had lunch at Loren’s favorite burger house—“In and Out Burger”
Things have been very busy and we are involved in some new projects that we are excited about. Currently, we are in a grant application-writing mode for a very important project. We are hoping to get funds which will allow us to write the musical we will call Dating Violence 101. Our talented writer, Loren Marsters has been pondering the opening of this musical, that we intend to appeal to teens and their parents, with music will be geared to fit the targeted audience. Sounds like an impossible task, but we have tremendous confidence in Loren’s ability to pull things together.
We know from the surveys that about 81% of the parents surveyed don’t think dating violence is a problem or say they don’t know if it is a problem, and 54% say they have never talked to their teens about dating violence.
We know from surveys that 83% of tenth graders reported they would turn to a friend for help with dating abuse, rather than to a teacher, counselor, parent or other caring adult.
With these prevailing attitudes among teens and their parents, in most cases the most caring person is left out of the loop with the teen - the parent. How do we resolve this problem? With the musical! How? The intent is to take the shows to high schools and bring parents and teens together to watch the play. The thought is that the parents and teens can open a dialogue about what they see and get their thoughts and concerns out in the open about the play. This will hopefully give the parents and teens the courage to talk about the issues of concern to the teen, and allow the parent to get better insight into the potential or existing problem. This is a critical issue. We must stop Dating Violence and quit graduating Domestic Violence abusers from the schools. If you have any thoughts about grant money let us know.
The auditions were made more enjoyable by the occasioned visit of two of our original El Paso cast that came to give Loren assistance and moral support. Ginny Green Warren came to help with choreography and Alexander St. Clair came to help by inspiring those trying out. Thanks Ginny and Alex for caring enough to make the trip. After the auditions we got to visit with them as we had lunch at Loren’s favorite burger house—“In and Out Burger”
Things have been very busy and we are involved in some new projects that we are excited about. Currently, we are in a grant application-writing mode for a very important project. We are hoping to get funds which will allow us to write the musical we will call Dating Violence 101. Our talented writer, Loren Marsters has been pondering the opening of this musical, that we intend to appeal to teens and their parents, with music will be geared to fit the targeted audience. Sounds like an impossible task, but we have tremendous confidence in Loren’s ability to pull things together.
We know from the surveys that about 81% of the parents surveyed don’t think dating violence is a problem or say they don’t know if it is a problem, and 54% say they have never talked to their teens about dating violence.
We know from surveys that 83% of tenth graders reported they would turn to a friend for help with dating abuse, rather than to a teacher, counselor, parent or other caring adult.
With these prevailing attitudes among teens and their parents, in most cases the most caring person is left out of the loop with the teen - the parent. How do we resolve this problem? With the musical! How? The intent is to take the shows to high schools and bring parents and teens together to watch the play. The thought is that the parents and teens can open a dialogue about what they see and get their thoughts and concerns out in the open about the play. This will hopefully give the parents and teens the courage to talk about the issues of concern to the teen, and allow the parent to get better insight into the potential or existing problem. This is a critical issue. We must stop Dating Violence and quit graduating Domestic Violence abusers from the schools. If you have any thoughts about grant money let us know.
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