A trip to El Paso, Texas this past week was a good break from the routine. Linda and I were pleased to present Control.Assault.Delete to Leadership El Paso and to a number of other interested paties in a separate venue. Two shows in one day is a really exciting opportunity. I fear the hype of telling the domestic violence story to bring awareness to audiences could become addictive!
We were further blessed to spend time in the home of dear friends in El Paso and that enriched the experience. We continue to be amazed by the reaction of the people in this community. Unlike so many they are alive and vibrant and want to brighten their corner of the world. The reception to the message we presented was overwhelming. Tears flowed and one of the most asked questions is, "Having lost a daughter to domestic violence yourselves, why do you put yourselves through this?" The answer Linda gives is, "I don't want any other parents to have to go through the loss of a child."
We are pleased to have this new play in the Fix the Hurt repertoire and plan to build it to even greater and more powerful pieces At the time of this writing, a new play is being written and we hope to roll it out this fall. The title is "I Have This Friend", and we hope to deliver a dating violence message to teens and their parents through the high schools.
Another issue that creates a huge challenge in preventing domestic violence has recently raised its ugly head. Linda is a member of the Victim's Assistance Program
for the City of Mesa, Arizona (VAP's). Recently, she was on a death call and while waiting for the medical examiner to arrive she asked the officers why they seldom called the VAP's on Domestic Violence calls. They responded, "because it is just a revolving door! We arrest one this time and the other the next and no matter who who we arrest the victim always goes back!"

She explained that the VAP's are trained to help the victim not have to go back. They agreed they had not thought of that aspect. Still, the calloused attitude remains because of the number of cases the police handle and the number of times the victim turns on the police.
We are looking for grant money to put together a play that will reach the police officers and enlighten them in the many ways DV can be stopped and prevented.
John says, "Don't corner something that you know is meaner than you!"