Sunday, February 21, 2010

Teen Dating Violence

I have had an amazing two weeks, first with the White Tiger Girls Conferences in Phoenix, Mesa and Tucson and then, Stop Violence Against Women Day at the Capitol and ending with the opportunity to present Lisa's Story to 5 classes of teens at La Joya High School in Tolleson.

More and more it becomes aware that teens want to talk about the experiences they are having personally and what they see going on around them with their friends and family members. We must reach them at the pre-high school and high school level so that they have the tools they need not only during their dating years, but in making good sound relationship decisions as they mature. It is obvious that many do not have positive role models at home and they obviously are not going to get correct information through the media and their music.

We continue to press forward with "Control.Assault.Delete", anticipating a finished product by first of April. Rehearsals begin today for the cast of "Domestic Violence, The Musical?" and will be exciting to see what the new actors and director bring to an already "great" show.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

February - Dating Violence Awareness Month

Much attention is being called to the fact that February is Dating Violence Awareness Month. This, in and of itself, is huge, considering that just a few years ago, the fact that dating violence existed was not even acknowledged in society. It was just considered someone being jealous or having a bad temper.

February 8, 9 and 12, I will participate with Paul Henry and White Tiger Girls Conferences in Phoenix, Mesa and Tucson. Last year was my first time to speak at this annual event and I enjoyed my interaction with the girls very much. After the conference, I received heart-felt letters from girls who had been or knew someone in an unhealthy relationship. One of the letters read as follows:

"For me, the worst part of being in an abusive relationship was that until it got violent I didn't consider it abusive. . . . . . he was an angry, bitter, power hungry man that tried to control everything I said or did. I never thought it would happen to me, but it did. You get to the point where you are unable to cry anymore, anger replaces sadness and fear is the only dominent emotion."

Letters like this one are the reason that we are engaged in the writing and production of our teen dating violence play, "I Have This Friend". I have read some of the early drafts, and I am very pleased with the progress and the direction that Ross Collins and Miciah Dodge are taking with this much anticipated project.

This morning we had our first 2010 production meeting of the cast of "Domestic Violence, The Musical?" I'm very excited and looking forward to working with this great group of talented actors.