We are well into 2010 and the statistics for domestic violence incidents continue to rise. Recently, I was especially disturbed by a "murder-suicide" in Amarillo, TX. A woman allegedly shot her husband, then killed herself. Reportedly there were bruises all over the woman's body. Bruises that led the police to believe that she had been brutally beaten. They had been married for 40 years. We have to wonder how many of those years she endured abuse and violence. There were no police records reflecting that incidents of violence had been reported. One would surmise that she had silently endured the pain. One of the songs in "Domestic Violence, The Musical?" is entitled Why Can't He Just Die. That is the sentiment of many victims. In this case, she decided to take measures into her own hands. Where were her friends, family, someone who would listen to and believe her? I am certainly not condoning her actions, but must wonder at what point she said, "This must end!" and so she ended it for them both.
If you know someone who is a victim, make a special effort to be available to them. Show support and LISTEN! Last week I spoke to a class at ASU. One young woman asked the question, "What should I say to my friend who just broke up with an abusive boyfriend? I'm so afraid she will go back to him." She wanted to know how to approach the subject. I told her to tell her about the class she had attended and the
things she had learned about abuse, about the importance of recognizing the behaviors of an abuser, the dangers in staying in an unhealthy relationship. I advised her to tell her friend that she knew she would be going through a difficult time for a while and that she would be there for her and would help her find someone who could counsel her if she needed additional help.

We are looking forward to performing our new show, "Control.Assault.Delete" soon. This play is a must see for those seeking to understand the true frustration, discouragement and real danger of a violent relationship. Follow a typical y
oung women as she enters college with high hopes and plans to fulfill her dreams and then meets her abuser who controls her life and ultimately ends all hopes of her ever achieving those dreams. This 55 minute presentation will touch your hearts as you see the things this young woman experiences in her quest to find happiness, save the man she believes loves her and finally as she frantically seeks to save her own life!

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