We have been a little too relaxed during the holidays, and so have not written a blog for a few times now. Sorry, but Christmas was great with the kids, but we missed Lane and Lori, who were not able to be with us during the holidays. Of course, ever present in our thoughts were the three of our children who have answered a summons to dwell on the other side of the veil. What a great thing it is to have loving children and children that we will ever love.
We have been looking at the impact of the all of the efforts in the fight against domestic violence. A review of the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Statistics July 2008, report while showing some progress in areas, is still a little discouraging when you look at the 30-year period from 1976 to 2005. The number of men murdered by intimates has declined since 1976 from 9.2% of the total male homicides to 2.5% in 2005. At the same time female homicides has shown much less significant drop in murders by intimates, falling from 34.65% of the total female homicides by intimates in 1976 to 33.3% in 2005. Not much to show for 30 years of efforts. Yes, there has been a drop in total homicides, but the ratio for female victims has not dropped significantly. The % of black females homicide victims has dropped, while the % of white females has not. We have a long way to go to win this one.
Excitement grows and cast and support group are looking to be sure passports and other documentation are being readied for the trip to Japan. Domestic Violence will debut in Iwakuni Japan on April 15th. We have cut the cast back due to travel cost and the ever-loyal cast in El Paso is searching for a way to raise the necessary funds locally to pay the cost of taking the entire cast to Japan, to play for our men and women serving our nation in that part of the world.
In the next issue----- Domestic Violence Prevention or Circumvention? Check out the definitions and give us your feedback.
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