Like DV, the button has existed for centuries and was not always a useful object, often being for ornamental use and decried by many as an evil symbol of vanity by clergy and others. Even today considered so by the Amish people!
Queen Victoria had dark glass buttons made which were mourning buttons following the death of Prince Albert.
Queen Victoria had dark glass buttons made which were mourning buttons following the death of Prince Albert.

The button has been used as a badge to signify many things over the years. It has been used to signify growth as in a “knob” of a plant when the plant starts to grow. It is protection placed on the tip of a fencing foil to make the sport safe. It is also a warning device signifying danger as in the tip of a rattle snake’s tail or the “rattles”
It signifies hidden sensitivities which may cause explosive reactions to acts. For Example “She knows how to push his button!”
Also known as the sensitive area on the tip of the chin where a knock-out blow is placed. Also signifies “exactly on target.”

I would suggest that since the purple ribbon is so significant to women in calling to the mind the devastating effects of Domestic Violence that men should adopt the Purple Button as a symbol of their support in prevention of domestic violence.
There are ample reminders in this symbol reminding all of the centuries the button was around and served as a symbol of vanity as has been the history of domestic violence. It has been considered the right of the male population for centuries to the detriment of wives and daughters for centuries.
The button has already been used as a symbol of mourning by royalty and could well serve to remind us all of the lives lost and ruined by DV.
It could well serve as a reminder that there needs to be safety devices in all relationships to prevent injury during interaction with one another, and serve as a symbol of danger for not proceeding carefully into relationships lest the snake bite.
It should serve as a reminder to not push buttons and for sensitive feelings to be held back by buttoning the restraint on such sensitive feelings.
It can symbolize the growth of each party in the relationship and should serve as a reminder that a couple working together with help can be right on target for a happy safe loving relationship and deliver a knock-out blow to Domestic Violence.
John Says: "Dear God, I have a problem. Its me!"
1 comment:
What a cool idea. I didn't know that buttons were so controversial. Interesting post!
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